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Our Story 

You are Officially Adulttu

Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting! As you embark on the incredible journey of parenthood, it is your turn for you to step into the role of the loving and nurturing adult that every child deserves.  


Officialy Adulttu has established itself as the top choice brand for parents. We understand that being a new parent comes with its challenges, especially when it comes to traveling with your little one. We've been there ourselves, and that's why we're passionate about creating products that make life easier for new families.


Our mission is simple: to make traveling with our growing families as easy and stress-free as possible, while always prioritizing your child's safety.

We understand that parents want products they can trust, and that's why we have designed our chair with multiple safety features that give parents peace of mind when traveling with their little ones.

But our brand is more than just about creating quality products. We believe that mealtime is a special time for families to connect and bond, whether you're at home or on the road.

At the heart of our mission is the desire to create a community of parents who uplift and motivate each other, and we are honored to be an integral part of this inspiring community.

Let us work together to bring families closer, making beautiful memories that will be cherished for years to come.

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